I had the most wonderful weekend, particularly Saturday, practicing Chopin. I practiced other things as well (more on that in another post), but Chopin definitely got the most attention. I worked on the whole piece, but particularly on the sections I call The Transcendence and The Voice from the Dead. Here they are in the video below. I could write a treatise on what I still need to fix, but to be honest, I'm happy overall with my playing. I'm just thrilled to be able to play The Transcendence.
It's April 1, and time to revisit the goals I set for last month. I practiced a total of 50.45 hours in March, averaging 1.62 hours (or just over an hour and a half) per day. Realistically, I practice about 45 minutes to an hour a day on weekdays, and I usually get at least one longer practice (or multiple shorter practices) in on one or both days of the weekend to bring the average up. CLASSICAL GOALS Chopin, F Minor Nocturne March Goal: Have entire piece by memory and performance-ready. I have about 90% of the piece by memory, but I still have some work to do before it's performance-ready. The only two sections that I don't quite have are "The Agitation" and the "stretto" section with the seventh chords. I'll work on both this week and will have them both memorized before the weekend. April Goal: Finish memorizing, and polish, polish, polish! My focus now is really on phrasing and dynamics. I have the notes down, even in the difficult passages. Fro...