When you're a pianist, it's good to have other pianists who can inspire you with their skills and style.
For the past few months, Jonny May's video of Bare Necessities has been the one I've returned to again and again as I work on his wonderful arrangement. I want to be able to play that well, and I want to be able to play with that much enjoyment. I do enjoy playing, but I tend to adopt a "stern schoolmarm" face whenever I play, particularly if I'm having to concentrate hard on something (like Bare Necessities). I dream of one day being so laid-back with this piece that I can just look and feel happy and joyful as I play.
Recently I discovered a new pianist: Matt Gerhard. He seems to be in Indiana, and I guess he plays for a church, though he's also put some music on Spotify. He's an organist and a pianist ... and oh, what a pianist! He play exactly the kind of soulful, exuberant gospel music that I want to play. I've been watching his videos for several days now and can't get enough.
The good news? I recognize a lot of his techniques from the gospel and blues courses at Piano With Jonny! The bass lines, the slides, the high-on-the-keyboard octaves and rolls -- it's all there! Just watching Matt makes me feel like my goal of playing this kind of music is ... well, right at my fingertips. LOL.
The other night, I sat down with the hymnal and banged out a not-terrible Matt-Gerhard-style rendition of "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder," where the verses were more of the gospel blues style and the chorus was more ragtimey and high on the keyboard. Was it great? No. Was it better than anything I could have done six months ago? Absolutely.
Anyway, I'm so thankful to have found this guy, Matt Gerhard. I've definitely added him to my list of inspiring pianists for this phase of my piano journey.
P.S. I just found this video of Matt Playing "When We All Get To Heaven." It's different from what I was doing, and it gives me some ideas for what I can do better. Enjoy!