Stephen asked for some manly pictures of Thuddy, and I felt obliged to oblige.
Thuddy was in a mood for pictures. Here he is, smiling for the camera.

Here's a nice one of Thuddy in profile.

But then Thuddy didn't want me to take a picture of him from the back. He thought his butt looked too big.
"Hmm," I thought. "It's not a 'guy' thing to worry that one's butt is too big. That's really more of a 'girl' thing, isn't it?" Sure, consoles and spinets and uprights have reason to be bashful about their butts, but still ...
"I'm sure your butt looks fine," I told Thuddy. "Now pose." I walked around to snap the picture.
Then I realized something.

Thuddy is a girl. No self-respecting boy piano would dress this way.
BTW ... My apologies for the grainy pictures. This was the best I could do with my cell phone.
Thuddy was in a mood for pictures. Here he is, smiling for the camera.
Here's a nice one of Thuddy in profile.
But then Thuddy didn't want me to take a picture of him from the back. He thought his butt looked too big.
"Hmm," I thought. "It's not a 'guy' thing to worry that one's butt is too big. That's really more of a 'girl' thing, isn't it?" Sure, consoles and spinets and uprights have reason to be bashful about their butts, but still ...
"I'm sure your butt looks fine," I told Thuddy. "Now pose." I walked around to snap the picture.
Then I realized something.
Thuddy is a girl. No self-respecting boy piano would dress this way.
BTW ... My apologies for the grainy pictures. This was the best I could do with my cell phone.
I'm not sure that Thuddy is female, I think he is just getting in touch with his feminine side. Its not good for a man to have his "bits" on view, especially if he is in full view in a religious location.
I'll bet he sneaks out to the local bars late at night for a bit of honky tonk without his disguise.