I had wrist pain this weekend, so I wasn't able to move forward on some of my weekend goals. I still got some good practice in.
I have dorsal wrist impingement, according to Dr. Google. |
My plan was to work on Czerny Ex. 2. It's an exercise primarily for the left hand, and it was my left wrist that was hurting, so I started Ex. 4 instead. (I wasn't crazy about Ex. 3.) I learned it pretty easily and will work on getting it up to speed this week, and I'll return to Ex. 2 when my wrist pain is gone.
I am through most of the C Major section in Liszt! It's not as difficult as the B Major section (though it sounds like it is). It's still not easy, so I'll work on it a bit more before moving on to what's next.
Jingle Bells Rag
The goal was to increase the tempo to 100. I spent quite a bit of time on the right hand since my left hand was hurting. Last night I finally brought the left hand in. I'm very close to having it hands-together at 100 ... just a few more days, maybe a week. But I can't do much until my wrist is better.
Amazing Grace
The goal was to work on major blues improvisation, and I was able to do that as well! I've just started PWJ's "Bible of Blues Riffs" course, and I tried incorporating some of the riffs into my improv. It was a bit of a challenge because the riffs are in 4/4 time and also C major, while Amazing Grace is in 12/8 time and F major. But it really added to my "bag of tricks," and I'm getting better and better at improvising on this piece.
Rondo all Turca
The plan was to work on the final section. Because it has a lot of rolled octaves in the left hand, I stayed away from it. Instead, I worked on the right-hand sections and also spent more time on Chopin.
I was supposed to make a "Solace" video, and I still haven't done that yet. I didn't make any videos because most of my weekend practice was using the headphones.
So, it wasn't a great weekend for reaching goals, but I'm happy about my work with Liszt and Amazing Grace.