I'm very excited. My deep-dive into major sevenths is coming to an end, and I'll soon be embarking upon the wonderful world of dominant sevenths. I'm very familiar with dominant sevenths already, but I'm looking forward to gaining the same kind of deep understanding of them that I have with the major sevenths.
I'll continue to do major seventh exercises every day as part of my warm-ups. I'm a little concerned that my brain and hands are going to get confused between major seventh and dominant seventh exercises, but I suppose I'll survive.
Here are a couple of videos where I'm doing two of my major seventh exercises with the metronome at 80. The broken chords feel a little rushed because they are, but they're going to get more flowing as I practice them more. I don't know if you can tell, but the white-key sevenths (second half of the broken-chord video: E, A, D, G, and C) flow more naturally for me than the black-key sevenths.